For Body Copy
If you have have long articles with lengthy blocks of text, go with a calm, classic serif font.
- Times
- Garamond
- New Century Schoolbook
- Bookman (easy on the eyes)
- Palatino
- Minion Pro
- Goudy
If the articles are short and punchy, then you'll probably be fine with a sans serif.
- Helvetica
- Arial
- Gill Sans Light
For Headlines and Standfirsts and Subheads
You don't need to limit yourself to just using San Serifs there. But if you are going to use San Serifs, here are some good ones.
- Helvetica Neue
- Futura
- Gill Sans
- Aksidenz Grotesk
- Univers
- Myriad Pro
- Swiss
- Eurostile
- Franklin Gothic
- Folio
Type size
Basic Guideline
- Body Copy - 9 pt
- Standfirst - 14 pt
- Headers - vary
- Subheads in copy - keep 1-4 pt. bigger than size of body copy
- Footnotes and captions - 7-8 pt
- Legal footnotes - no smaller than 6 pt
Really, you need to just look at fonts together and give yourself a style guide to go buy. Something like:
- Body - Palatino 9.5pt, 11pt leading
- Head - Futura, Rockwell, Fling Plain <36pt,
- Subhead - Futura book, 14pt, 16pt leading. all caps
- Credits - Futura Book, 6pt, All Caps
A common mistake is that people make type too big. Remember: Always view onscreen at about 130% (this is about actual print size) and watch your kerning and tracking!