One or two days assignment
Use the type tool in Adobe Illustrator. Select typefaces and designs that are appropriate for each of the businesses below, keeping in mind the information below. Create three treatments for each business, using just black.
1. First National Savings Bank --
What images come to mind when you think about a bank? What do you want from a bank?
2. William C. Smith, Attorney at Law --
William C. Smith is a lawyer who works for large corporations. He needs to maintain a fairly conservative image.
3. Jennifer's Beauty Salon --
Two different beauty salons have the same name. The first salon caters to mature women in their late 60s to 70s who live in an expensive and upscale neighborhood in a large city, and who want hairstyles that are simple, but elegant, hairstyles that are tried but true, and conservative.
The second audience is the professional woman on-the-go, a "Thirty Something" kind of woman who is modern, stylish, and trendy.
4. Speedy Movers --
Speedy Movers is a moving company that moves households of furniture for individuals and students. They do the job and they do it fast.
(Project from Graphic Design on the Desktop, by Marcelle Lapow Tour)
Adobe Illustrator