Essential Questions:
Topics and Skills:
- What makes good art good? What does “Quality” look like?
- What makes effective graphic design?
- How can I develop the skills to become a graphic designer?
- How can my art more effectively communicate meaning?
- Where can graphic design take me?
- How is graphic design important today?
- How do I build a strong portfolio?
- From where can I draw inspiration as an artist?
- What are the options available to me as an artist?
- How can I prepare myself for a creative future?
- What informs why, how, and what artists and designers make?
- How do artists and designers make works of art and design?
- Why and how do artists and designers present their work to viewers?
Topics and Skills:
- Making Meaning -- Visual Communication and Personal Expression
- Studio Habits of Mind
- Design-Thinking
- The Importance of Process - from concept to visual
- Conceptual Drawing for Graphic Design
- Visual problem-solving, planning, and process
- Reflection and Analysis
- Giving, Receiving, and Applying Feedback -- Critique
- Creative Thinking -- Visual Thinking Exercises – Improving Your Creativity
- Design / Aesthetics
- Review of Design Basics: Elements and Principles of Art
- The Principles of Graphic Design: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity
- Color for Designers
- Typography
- Layout – Using the Grid
- Skills with Tools and Techniques:
- Macintosh Computer Platform Basics
- Adobe Illustrator – A Vector-Based Drawing and Design Program
- Adobe Photoshop – A Pixel-Based Painting and Photo-Editing Program
- Photography for Graphic Design
- Image Capture Using a Scanner
- Adobe InDesign Basics – A Page Layout Program
- Using the Programs (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign) Together
- Observational Skills
- Commercial Practices may include:
- Symbols and Logos
- Flyers, Programs and Posters
- Signage and Informational Graphics
- Corporate Design
- Editorial Layout – Books and/or Magazines
- Packaging
- Advertising
- Campaign – Communicating Ideas through a Series
- Display