- What are some of the risks that young people encounter?
- What are some of the potential rewards they can earn?
- How do some risks lead to reward?
Create a graphic artwork that conveys a personal interpretation of the theme "Risks and Rewards". How do these concepts apply to teens?
Your work will be on exhibit in the main lobby of the TedXYouth Conference. Students whose work is displayed on the day of the event will receive recognition in their official program.
Any - Photoshop and/or Illustrator, but it can also include drawing, painting, or mixed media
Should fit on 13 x 19" paper (but it can be square or thin).
Any parts created in Photoshop must be 300 pixels/inch at printable size.
- It may include the words "Risk and Rewards", but avoid any other words. Make your statement with imagery rather than with writing.
- (The official logo for the event is on the image above. You may include something like it in your own work if you choose.)
- Other than the logo, all other elements need to be completely original
Grading Criteria:
- Creativity/Innovation
- Concept and Communication -- Expressiveness
- Design -- Application of Principles of Design -- contrast, balance, emphasis, harmony/unity, variety, movement, repetition/pattern
- Technical Quality -- Skillful use of programs, materials and techniques; Should look refined, polished, professional
- Personal Investment
Below are some visual concepts to help you generate some of your own, original, creative ideas.